
Recovery from Epstein Barr

In February 2019, Sharon came to us feeling off balance, with shortness of breath, tiredness, blocked ears, tinnitus, and thrush including in her mouth and throat. She felt irritable and unable to face stressful situations.
Additional symptoms she suffered from included sinus and post nasal drip which caused phlegm on her chest which in turn lead to sever coughing at times. The tinnitus & blocked ear prevented her from hearing properly in a crowd and disturbed her sleep.”
“Having tried so many things in the past to alleviate symptoms I felt utterly defeated was heading towards depression. I have been virtually gluten free for over 30 years and lactose free for at least 10 they don’t seem to have been able to sort out the problems.
I have had health & allergy issues for most of my life and have been able to pick myself up and get on with Life.” Sharon has joined our 4 month “Heal your Life programme” in the hopes of feeling more alive and well.
As at 11 March:
“Completed a candida & colon cleanse – thrush has gone with sinus & postal nasal drip improving. I am very thankful for the progress made so far and am so pleased that I can once again enjoy fruit and natural foods that taste so good. It is amazing how much nicer food tastes now that the thrush and sinus are gone.”
As at 26 March:
“Having been on the diet & remedy to eliminate Epstein Barr, Ozone & Rife treatments and the Candida diet plan, I lost 5kg in 3 weeks and this was a bonus. There is a huge improvement to my sinus, post nasal drip & mucus on my chest. I am no longer taking any antihistamines nor using Foxair or asthma pump. I no longer suffer with acid reflux. I was living on Gaviscon & Lansoloc. There is very little oral thrush and I have changed my toothpaste to a herbal one. I have improved concentration levels and more energy.
Since following the new diet and ozone/rife therapy, I continue to feel more energetic and my sleep pattern has changed. I have been sleeping soundly for longer periods and not feeling so tired during the day as I was. If I do feel drained, I have an hour’s nap at the most during the afternoon.
I haven’t weighed myself recently but last time I did, I had lost another 2Kg = 7Kg in total. I have gone down a size with clothing.
The Tinnitus is not nearly as bad as it was, and my right ear pressure is not as uncomfortable as it was.I feel more comfortable in my skin and happier in myself.
I know that I am not alone with these challenges and there are plenty of people worse off than me. I hope my journey can help others.”