
Healing From Lupus and other imbalances

“I realised that I was in serious trouble in mid-2015. My health a taken a bad turn, in and out of hospital, could not walk more that 150m without resting, completely out of breath, 3 to 4 asthma attacks daily, my lungs were collapsing fast. Had difficulty getting up and going in the morning and was not really in the mood for life.

I was diagnosed with Lupus in my heart and lungs, there was water around my heart and lungs and it was seeping through the walls, flooding the lungs and the heart with too much fluid. I as a result of the medication developed Addison’s disease, and started having problems with my stomach, and so the list carries on. My life was in chaos; my relationship was in trouble my kids were in a mess, I new I had to do something.

That is when I spotted a groupon for Allergies, Gillian invited to her workshop. My journey started with Gillian. My first kinesiology session, was dealing with the healing of emotional issues and imbalances, foods that was stressing the body. Gillian sent me to Elize for nutrient requirements and the best of all, alternatives to my chemical medication. After the second kinesiology healing session, I realised just how powerful the corrections for imbalances and releasing of stresses, to my astonishment, my body was ready to start the cleanse process.

I started the candida diet on 1st June. The diet was challenging and hard, paid off, within the first week, I stopped my daily antihistamine, to date have not had an asthma attack. Into the 2nd week I had major changes in my relationship. In the third week, in my work life lightened another shift came about for the better. Today my kids are in a better space coping better with life. After my fifth kinesiology session, with Gillian my lungs released like an elastic band coming off and I could start breathing with ease and very little pain, it was as if a whole weight was released of my chest.

3 months later I have lost 15 kg I have come down from 60mg of cortisone to 5mg alternate day, completely off my water pills. I am feeling alive a well and have a drive for life again. I can’t wait to get up in the morning and say hello to life every day. I still have a way to go off the balance of my medication. I am loving my healing journey, will continue with my process with Gillian.
In Thankfulness
Lee Hess, Pretoria